The Battle of Het Land
A downloadable Art
Details on Translated Words
The Title of this project is called "The Battle of Het Land"
(Het Land is Dutch for The Country in english.)
(Spiegel is Dutch for Mirror in english)
(The names are in Dutch as well Bovenop means On top, Het einde means The End, Redder means Savior, Jongen means Boy, and Meisje means Girl. The last two was harder for me to find, because spiral or spike sounded too similar to the english word. In the end I am happy with the results.) All the Dutch words were translated with google translate so I am not sure if they are incorrect.
Details on The Art
All three Images have different battles scenes.
The first Image is of Bovenop, the boss of an evil organization called Het einde to rule over Het Land. His powers is to manipulate strands of cloth. He can make them sharp and flexible or hard and rigid. The background shows sense of darkness.
In the second Image it is Redder, the Hero of Het Land doing a spinning kick. His power lies his long awaited training and in the staff of Spiegel. This staff absorbs the kinetic energy of a enemies attack from the red part, then disperses that energy from either both or one side of the purple part of the staff.
The final Image shows The boss's most trusted lackies Jongen on the left and Meisje on the right . Their strength come from perfect teamwork. Meisje uses her power to pull in her opponent and hold them with the power of spiral. While Jongen uses his power to attack with sharp spikes.